Stories capture the imagination and speak to the human experience.

Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience. Even as children, we quickly become enthralled by narratives that let our imaginations soar. Stories allow us to find meaning, share wisdom, process emotions, and make connections. 

They are how we communicate values, record history, and define culture. Storytelling fulfills our human need for inspiration, understanding, and community. Powerful tales ignite our brains and captivate our hearts.

The urge to tell stories is an essential part of who we are. 

Whether conveyed through language, art, or music, storytelling remains a universal human impulse and a timeless creative act. It is one of the most primal means of expression, identity, and bonding.

CSC098: Business Storytelling - SMU CAPE

The Power of Storytelling

Examine and demonstrate how to use storytelling in business settings to communicate ideas, develop relationships and engage audiences effectively. Learn how to tell engaging stories that motivate your audience and leave an impact.

"Mastering storytelling lets us be truly human in a world where artificial intelligence handles data and facts. Making stories that educate, empower, and evoke emotion will always be human. 

We become better communicators, creative, empathetic, and compassionate when we embrace stories."

Dan Sturdivant, Business Storytelling Workshop Instructor